02 April 2010

What the F*ck Fridays

Self explanatory, but I will explain. Have you ever just browsed images on Google and had that exact thought come out of your mouth??? Precisely! Here, each and every Friday, I will post a picture or a few that make me say just that exact phrase...So without further adieu "What the f*ck"........

I found this gem here who found it on Etsy. Urm...love the colors...Rainbow rocks! But um....yea....ummm NO!

01 April 2010

Ripple effect

Honestly, my fingers have been speedy.

Hold that thought, must pause for adorable toddler and pet moment...you see we just got this dog. He is a year old Teacup Chihuahua. Yea, don't ask, he the father's idea. What's even cuter is seeing this 300lb man cuddle with this 5lb pooch. But anywho, the dog is scare of the kids...Hell, I don't blame him...hes 5 lbs and has to defend himself against an almost 2yr old and almost 3yr old...but currently right now, Brayden and the pooch are snuggled up together sleeping.....


But back to the blanket...remember how I last said that I didn't have but one completed and half of another row? What, wasn't that just two days ago. Well, now I have 13 rows. Take that, blanket!

Hey, now I know its not much but damn a girl has to apply for jobs and atleast pretend to be a mother ;)

I've decided to have a merger between my swearing and my crafts....but not related to me. It's going to be posted each Friday and I'm calling it "What the F*ck Fridays" Stay tuned tomorrow to see the 1st installment :D It's a doozy if I must say so.

31 March 2010

Hello my name is Brittni.....

and I have an addiction to yarn.

Acceptance is the first step right?

I know I have a problem. The bags overflowing with hanks and balls of yarn agree. I can't help it. I love the textures, the colors..damn I just love the skeins of yarn.

I have some that I got on closeout at yarn.com that lord only knows what I will do with. But they currently are wound into their balls awaiting their fate. Whenever that may be.

I do have one brand that I just despise. Red.Heart. Need I say more? Its rough and scratchy and well it just sucks. I know that its acrylic and isn't supposed to be cashmere but damn.

I do however love........I love this yarn! that they sell at Hobby Lobby. Okay, wait....I didn't tell the whole truth. I love everything about Hobby Lobby! Mmmmmm....if that is what Heaven looks like, with my kids there too, then damnit I am in!

But anywho, this yarn...it was made by the acrylic gods. The colors.....the softness.....oh.my.god. THE PRICE! Even better!

Okay, I'm going to go sit back down with my cup o' coffee and listen to others as they tell of problems greater than mine.

But again, quick recap....

Names Brittni, addicted to yarn and swearing :D

30 March 2010

The blanket that is no more

Thats right. I said it. Its put on the back-burner. The infamous granny-square blanket for Brayden. I lost my desire to crochet blocks. I didn't get far, so..yea honestly I don't know what I wanted to put there.
I am still making him a blanket. I actually started on it tonight. Then frogged it. Then started. Frogged again. Do you see the pattern? I never fully completed 3 rows. It sits currently on my bedside table with not even the first row done. Its aboutthisclose though.

This is my favorite square from said blanket.

I'm a person who prefers to work in the rounds. Not rows. Something about chain 132 gets me. Yes, I chained 132 realized it was too tight after starting on the 3rd row, 131 and finished the first row only to realized that damn I was one short. Yes, there were many phrases that involved "crap, how many is that?" Resulting in me finding it was just easier to frog it and start back at 1 rather than counting each and every blessed chain.

The new blanket, which will be the same colors, is a ripple afghan. I had a hard time finding something that wasn't overly feminine. Ripples it is.

16 March 2010

Hiatus much?

So I dropped this blog obviously for over a year. I got busy, got a job, got a different job and got yet another different job only to be back unemployed a year later.

All those ribbons that I previously blogged about, yeah, they are still on the spool. Nothing ever has come of them yet. We'll see. I've started getting crafty again as a way to spend my quiet time.

I taught myself how to crochet and am currently working on two blankets. One for Aslynn, hers is a hexagon granny motif and Braydens is various granny blocks.

In between I've crocheted some pot holders. Some for myself, my mom and my sister, which I need to complete and ship and deliver. I've fallen in love with the Sugar N' Cream cotton yarn. What can I say :D

I also just got a sewing machine. I completed my first project which was a roll-up crochet hook holder. I'm rather proud of myself and how it turned out. I'll get pictures up of it in another post.

I'm also planning on sewing Aslynn an Easter dress as well as for her 2nd birthday in June. I took advantage of Hobby Lobby last week having their McCall patterns on sale for $1.99 each. Can't beat that at all!!!

22 February 2009


So I had the chance yesterday to go shopping without the kids and I wanted to pop into hobby lobby and see if they had a basket that I was looking for. Well I figured since I was already there I would check out the ribbon. Never hurts ya know?
All of their ribbon was 50% off! Jackpot! I ended up getting quite a bit to get me started.

I love Aslynn in black and white and they had some of the cutest designs :)

Of course I had to get some pink/brown and blue/brown combos...such lovely combos to begin with.

pretty much,aside from the polka dotted spool, these were the only solid grosgrain ribbon they had in 3/8". boo.

I'm not sure exactly my plans for these designs but I couldn't resist.
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19 February 2009

New hobby

Ever since I was pregnant with my first I dreamed of having a little girl who I could dress in dresses and bows. It took two children but I finally have my little girl who can I can "torture" until shes too old to realize what it is I'm doing.

Here, I plan to show off the bows that I've made for her. I have no intentions on selling them but hey, if someone wants to know or wants one, I can't say no :)